Happy New Year! Welcome with a Word in 2021
Connect My DaySpring word for 2021 is CONNECT. You can call me a nerd for doing the DaySpring quiz every year, I’m fine with this
VI is Six: Experiencing Birthdays of Child Loss
Happy Birthday, my Sweet Boy. Words are hard today, and I don’t much like it that way. Usually I can spread my emotions around on

One Word Prayer
Have you ever had a panic or anxiety attack? Have you maybe had one and just didn’t realize what was going on? Maybe you haven’t

Determined to Embrace a Prayerful Heart in Seasons of Waiting – Guest Post: Heather Dixon
Two years ago my husband and I committed to daily prayer together over our son’s schooling choices. He was transitioning from elementary school to middle

Trusting God’s Plan for a Husband – Guest Post: Brandi Murphy
Writer Brandi Holland shares her season of waiting and praying for a husband. From young twenties to adulthood, many of us can relate to this

Waiting on God…for Weeks and Weeks – Guest Post: Heather Hooks
Heather Hooks shares her thoughts about Waiting on God. Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame. Psalms 25:3a (ESV) God should

The Year God Stopped Talking to Me – Guest Post: Rachel Dawn
Rachel and I connected through several writer friends and groups a few years back when I was just entering the writing world and she was

Silence Does Not Equal Unseen – Guest Post: Karen Smith
Karen and I met years ago at the She Speaks writers’ conference. She is such a delight and a joy to speak to. As I

Think Carefully Your Ways – Guest Post: Kristin Funston
My friend, Kristin and I connected through a writers group and I was honored to be a part of her launch team when her book,

Happy Fifth Birthday: Celebrating The Birth of A Son Who Didn’t Live
Happy Fifth Birthday, John Karl! I Googled “best gifts for 5 year old boys” because I have no idea what you might be into. The image

When Courage Looks Like Standing Still – Guest Post: Becky Beresford
Sweet, encouraging Becky and I connected through a writer’s group and when I was blessed to guest post for her Brave Women’s series. I love

Not Alone, New Affirmations – Guest Post: Tricia Thirey
Tricia and I connected 3 years ago at a writers’ conference in North Carolina, though we quickly discovered we lived just a few miles apart

Waiting for Stability – Guest Post: Mattie Givens
Mattie Givens writes at Growing The Givens and we connected at a blogger retreat last August. It was such a delight to chat with her

Good Things Come, The Hidden Benefit of Waiting – Guest Post: Rachel Risner
This guest post from Rachel Risner encourages us to wait and experience the encouragement and changed heart of Rachel. A brilliant reminder that good things

W-A-I-T – Guest Post: Tabitha Deller
Tabitha Deller and I connected a few years ago at a Proverbs 31 writers conference, She Speaks. I adored her immediately as she sat across

Devotion – Before the Tree: God Takes Time to Move Things Into Place
Zacchaeus was a wee little man And a wee little man was he He climbed up in a sycamore tree For the Lord he

Right Where He Wants You – Guest Post: Jennifer Andes
Jennifer Andes is great writer and a good friend of mine. We connected through the writer’s conference – She Speaks a few years ago and

Devotion – When in Doubt: A 4-Step Plan to Hearing God’s Voice, from Niki Hardy
In an earlier post author, Niki Hardy shared her moment of waiting to hear from the Lord for guidance in moving her entire family from

How Do We Hear the Voice of God? – Guest Post: Niki Hardy
Meet Niki Hardy, author of the newly released book, Breathe Again. A wonderfully written book that encourages readers not just to survive the hard places

Devotion – Trust Fall:Training Yourself to Place Trust in God
Have you ever done a trust fall? You know, you stand high on a ledge and a group of people stand below with arms laced

Waiting for Sticky Notes: The Series
Flashback with me to the 1990s: New Kids on the Block and Best Friend necklaces were the raddest thing on the planet. The latter of

These are a few of my Favorite Things…
So my list of favorite things is pretty extensive. The phrase “That’s my favorite!” Is something I may or may not overuse – slightly. I

Praying for a Future Spouse
I was not the “pretty girl” growing up. Which means that boys were not really into me. I was the sort of funny, sort of

What do you mean there’s no Instruction Manual?
Remember before. Before you had kids of your own and you made mental notes about how you would never do this or that or the other? Yup. Me too.

An Open Letter to My Best Friend
Dear Friend, Thank you for being – you. Always. Even when life takes us different places physically or socially or emotionally I know that you

All the Besties…
You know what my favorite thing about friendship is? That it comes and goes. You know what my least favorite thing about friendship is? That

BE FRI…A Lesson in Patience
Flashback with me to the 1990s: New Kids on the Block and Best Friend necklaces were the raddest thing on the planet. the latter of

Slow Your Scroll
I looooovvvveeee social media. Possibly a little bit too much. I spend a lot of time there. Social media really gets a bad wrap sometimes,

Jesus and Mickey Mouse
Anyone click on this because of the title? Sorry about that. I didn’t intend for it to be a “click bait” title, it just sort

Book Review – More for Mom: Living Your Whole and Holy Life by Kristin Funston
I am a more girl. I want more. More of all the things. More people (the more the merrier, I’m an extrovert to the core),

This Blog Thing…
So, I have this blog. You’ve probably read it a time or two (hopefully more), and bonus points if you’ve shared it and double bonus

Book Review: NKJV Study Bible Full Color Edition published by Thomas Nelson
I have a tiny bit of an obsession with books, anyone else? Stacks and stacks of them on my office shelves, desk, and nightstand. Those

How YOU doin’? When “Pastor-Talk” Meets a Friends Reference
So, as part of my focus this year on gratitude and being present in the moment I’ve decided I would also like to revisit all

The Passing of a Patriarch
Ok. I’m going to try to get through this without crying but I’m a Campbell and we cry at Oreo commercials so, ya’ know… This
You’re Four.
Happy Birthday, My Sweet Boy. Today you would turn four! I can’t even wrap my brain around what that would look like. My sometimes empty

{When} Octobers are Hard
Fall is my favorite season. I know that’s super original. Me, like pretty much every other Starbuck’s-loving, boot and sweater-wearing, mini-driving basic momma out there.

I Want to {Inspire}
I was just telling a friend this week that often my inspiration for writing or creating comes from others and usually in a conversation. I

Nothing Like a Little {Comfort} Food
Food is a thing for me. I love food “like a chubby kid loves cake” – I’m the chubby kid. {You can laugh, this is

Promise of {Hope}
I’m cheating a little with today’s challenge. This is a throwback to my very favorite story of hope. At a time in our life when

Recently I had a chat with my 9-year-old about 4th grade girl recess drama…who plays with who, who sits by who, who is first friends

This is my {Story}, This is my Song
There’s something pure to me about a hymn. I grew up in church and had most of the well-known hymns memorized as a child. I

Book Review – Made Like Martha: Sabbath Rest for Those Who Get Things Done, Guest Post by Katie M. Reid
Made Like Martha Review & Give-Away Hopefully you’ve all viewed my recent Facebook posts from my friend Katie’s new book, Made Like Martha: Good News for

Love with Two Hands
Finally. It’s just after dinner and I have a moment to sit down but not at the counter, or my desk, or the toy car-covered

When in Doubt…
Today, I read the story of Thomas in John 20. You’re likely familiar with “Doubting Thomas”, a disciple of Jesus, who said that he wouldn’t
Little Red Wagon
A wise friend shared a story with me years ago that really stuck. I’m sure you’ve experienced that too. For one reason or another you
Stop the Spinning: Simplify
My word this year is – simplify. Isn’t it great? To me it sounds refreshing and clean, and freeing; like that time you washed, dried,
Thirty Days of Thankful…Wait for It
So, like a couple of million other people, I decided to tackle the month of November with the slightly-cliche Thirty Days of Thankful. I’m so

Imma Fight Him
When pain and anger run so deep our human reactions are sometimes violent. Good news…we get to choose how we put those feelings into action
Once Upon a Time I was an Extrovert…I probably still am.
Anyone familiar with tests like the Birkman or Myers-Briggs? If you aren’t, basically they ask a series of questions about you and then identify
I Sang A Song – Again
I sang a song – again. I sang a silly song today, it went a little something like this…”chicky-chicken nuggets, cheesy-cheese cubes. Peas and car-rots,