faith on rocks

One Word Prayer

Have you ever had a panic or anxiety attack? Have you maybe had one and just didn’t realize what was going on? Maybe you haven’t

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All the Besties…

You know what my favorite thing about friendship is? That it comes and goes. You know what my least favorite thing about friendship is? That

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Slow Your Scroll

I looooovvvveeee social media. Possibly a little bit too much. I spend a lot of time there. Social media really gets a bad wrap sometimes,

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This Blog Thing…

So, I have this blog. You’ve probably read it a time or two (hopefully more), and bonus points if you’ve shared it and double bonus

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You’re Four.

Happy Birthday, My Sweet Boy. Today you would turn four! I can’t even wrap my brain around what that would look like. My sometimes empty

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{When} Octobers are Hard

Fall is my favorite season. I know that’s super original. Me, like pretty much every other Starbuck’s-loving, boot and sweater-wearing, mini-driving basic momma out there.

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I Want to {Inspire}

I was just telling a friend this week that often my inspiration for writing or creating comes from others and usually in a conversation. I

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Promise of {Hope}

I’m cheating a little with today’s challenge. This is a throwback to my very favorite story of hope. At a time in our life when

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Recently I had a chat with my 9-year-old about 4th grade girl recess drama…who plays with who, who sits by who, who is first friends

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Love with Two Hands

Finally. It’s just after dinner and I have a moment to sit down but not at the counter, or my desk, or the toy car-covered

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When in Doubt…

Today, I read the story of Thomas in John 20. You’re likely familiar with “Doubting Thomas”, a disciple of Jesus, who said that he wouldn’t

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Little Red Wagon

A wise friend shared a story with me years ago that really stuck. I’m sure you’ve experienced that too. For one reason or another you

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Imma Fight Him

When pain and anger run so deep our human reactions are sometimes violent. Good news…we get to choose how we put those feelings into action

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I Sang A Song – Again

I sang a song – again. I sang a silly song today, it went a little something like this…”chicky-chicken nuggets, cheesy-cheese cubes. Peas and car-rots,

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