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Good Things Come, The Hidden Benefit of Waiting – Guest Post: Rachel Risner

This guest post from Rachel Risner encourages us to wait and experience the encouragement and changed heart of Rachel. A brilliant reminder that good things come to those who wait…with God.


Good Things Come The Hidden Benefit of Waiting.jpgWe are reaching high levels of cabin fever at my house. Dangerously high. Playing nicely is at an all-time low and bickering is up 500%.

It is Mid-March in Ohio and six pairs of little feet cannot wait to run barefoot in the cool green grass of spring. The novelty of hot cocoa, snowmen, icicles, and cuddling by the fireplace have long since worn off. Small lungs are ready to breathe the earthy smells of spring, tiny ears are ready to hear the chirping of songbirds, curious eyes are ready to explore the wide world for signs that plants are waking up from their winter’s nap.

But today all the forecast had for us was snow, snow, and more snow.

By this time in my life, I am no stranger to waiting. There have been many seasons of waiting: waiting to graduate high school, waiting for my wedding day, waiting (and waiting, and waiting) for a baby to be born at the end of pregnancy.

During these times of waiting I become preoccupied with the hopes and dreams of the future. It’s difficult to appreciate the beauty of large lacy snowflakes descending through crisp winter air when all I really wanted was sunshine and spring. It’s hard to be content in waiting.

But the Lord uses seasons of waiting to grow me. Waiting often helps the Christian believer to be more like Christ. Time and again scripture calls us to wait. In Psalm 27:14 the man after God’s own heart instructs, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Good things come to those that wait for the Lord. But sometimes the “good thing” that the Lord had for us is not at all the “good thing” that we had in mind. I have friends that waited the nine long months of gestation with only loss and grief to show for their waiting.

How can we respond to God through times of waiting and disappointment, when all we have to show for our hopes of spring is the slush and muck of late winter?

Leah illustrates this point perfectly. In Genesis 29:31-34 we see her story as a woman unwanted by her father and unloved by her husband Jacob. God sees her suffering and blesses her with three sons. With the birth of each son, Leah is sure her time of waiting for her husband’s love is over. And with the birth of each son, Leah is wrong. Jacob never falls for Leah.

Then, Leah bears a fourth son in Genesis 29:35 declaring, “This time I will praise the Lord.” Leah still hadn’t won her husband’s affections, but instead of being preoccupied with what she hoped for, she lifted up praise to God.

What had changed? Leah’s heart.

And what was God doing through Leah? So much more than she realized—through that small wriggling baby she named Judah prophets and kings would rise; scriptures would be written; miracles would be performed; and our own Savior, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Jesus himself would be born (Revelation 5:5). Are we content to wait like Leah? Will we allow God to work his “good things” in our lives instead of pining for our own plans?

My prayer is that we wait eagerly, pregnant with hope for what the Lord is doing next in our lives, with Leah’s content heart of praise. Even though we feel stuck in the mud and muck of late winter, spring will come.

May we all remember that good things come to those who wait…on the Lord.


This post was originally published on

Rachel Headshot bridge edited.jpgRachel Risner is a pastor’s wife and homeschooling mom of 7 (whew!), whose life was just turned upside down–in a good way–when her family moved to Amish country. A new baby, new home, new church, and new community have meant a quiet blog for Rachel this year, but she just can’t resist studying God’s word and sharing what she’s learned with other women. She is eager to get back to blogging and Bible study writing, as soon as life slows down a bit (and soccer season comes to an end!). You can visit her blog at and subscribe to keep up-to-date on her latest posts.
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