So, here “I’ll release all my Wilderness Explorer training,” and share 9 important things you must pack for your Walt Disney World Vacation. It’s no secret that Disney is the Happiest Place on Earth and if you want to make the most of your vacation it’s important that the right items are tucked away in the carry-on compartment. Like our pal Russell would say, ” an Explorer is always be prepared!” with this list of 9 essential items for your next trip.
Look at all this stuff! Wow! You’re going on a trip?
Russell, Wilderness Explorer, UP

- Cellphone chargers and a back up battery, or two. The My Disney Experience App is a fantastic tool to meet all your park-going needs. And now that you’ll have to rely on it more than pre-Covid times, you’ll want to have full power for a full day of magic. I like this 2-pack from Amazon because they’re thin and easy to carry.
- First aid kit. A small first aid kit will help keep you on track for the day when minor bumps and blisters get in the way. Though first aid is available at no cost in all of Walt Disney World® Resort and Parks, small needs like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and cold meds come a park-price tag. I love the travel-size ones from a dollar store or Target/Walmart travel-size section, this one from Amazon is great also, and not too heavy to toss in the backpack or stroller.
- Pochos. When the inevitable Florida rain decides to show up (even if just for an hour), you’ll want to be prepared and save from the adorable, slightly pricey park poncho. We carry 6-10 dollar store ponchos in a backpack for just-in-case moments. They’re great for covering a stroller, spreading out on a wet table or bench, and keeping people dry of course. Also, they can be tossed instead of saved after use because no one wants to put a wet poncho back in the backpack.
- Bleach wipes and hand sanitizer. Obviously. While currently in days of COVID-19, wipes, sinks, and hand sanitizer stations are in abundance across Walt Disney World® Resort property. It is helpful to have it more accessible, and we use it frequently, buuutttt – I get grossed out sharing that with others. Also I don’t like to jump out of line because my 4-year-old touched something gross so I always carry my own as well. Mini, clip on size are cheap so stock up and put them in your checked luggage.
- Pop-up laundry basket. This is one of my favorite travel tricks. We take one per suitcase nearly everywhere we go. Hotel rooms are not huge, and no one wants to chase dirty laundry around and move it from place to place. This is a lifesaver, and if you’re the person to wash all the things before the trip home, it’s a big help there as well.
- Reusable water bottles. You can get a free cup of water from any Quick Service location. If you are like me sometimes you won’t want to wait in line for a quick drink and it is so IMPORTANT for everyone to stay hydrated exploring the Happiest Place on Earth. Small size CamelBak are my fave. They are compact enough to carry, have a hook to link to the stroller or backpack with a carbineer.
- Backpack snacks. This really should have been #1 on the list. There are a multitude of yummy snacks all over the parks – salty, savory, and sweets galore. Let me just share what parents know is no secret – when your child (or grumpy spouse) is feeling hangry you do not want to be snackless. Carry light snacks that are sustainable and not affected by heat. So skip the Snickers bar – the chocolate will melt. Think nuts, peanut butter pouches, applesauce pouches, granola, Goldfish crackers, protein or cereal bars, even an apple can hold up.
- Glow sticks. Night time at Disney is magical! You can, and probably will, buy a fun light up souvenir. You might not want to buy one each night, so pack some of your own. They are fun, lightweight to throw in a backpack and a great “surprise” for kids and kids at heart. We get these from the dollar store or the party section at Walmart.
- Gum. It’s not available at all on Walt Disney World® Resort property. So, if you love the little refresh, like my husband does, bring your own. I beg of you, please be respectful with your gum and find a garbage when you’re finished, Expedition Everest is not the place to leave it.
Need a visual or printable list for packing? Check back soon for a complete printable packing list. Be sure to check out my post on packing tips, learn how I pack our family of 5 with the help of my tween girls.