All the Besties…

You know what my favorite thing about friendship is? That it comes and goes. You know what my least favorite thing about friendship is? That it comes and goes. I…

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BE FRI…A Lesson in Patience

Flashback with me to the 1990s:  New Kids on the Block and Best Friend necklaces were the raddest thing on the planet. the latter of those was imperative to survival…

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Slow Your Scroll

I looooovvvveeee social media. Possibly a little bit too much. I spend a lot of time there. Social media really gets a bad wrap sometimes, there is some good there.…

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Jesus and Mickey Mouse

Anyone click on this because of the title? Sorry about that. I didn't intend for it to be a "click bait" title, it just sort of happened. While Jesus and…

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This Blog Thing…

So, I have this blog. You've probably read it a time or two (hopefully more), and bonus points if you've shared it and double bonus points if you aren't related…

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The Passing of a Patriarch

Ok. I’m going to try to get through this without crying but I’m a Campbell and we cry at Oreo commercials so, ya’ know… This is not my first rodeo…

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