Slow Your Scroll

I looooovvvveeee social media. Possibly a little bit too much. I spend a lot of time there. Social media really gets a bad wrap sometimes, there is some good there.…

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Jesus and Mickey Mouse

Anyone click on this because of the title? Sorry about that. I didn't intend for it to be a "click bait" title, it just sort of happened. While Jesus and…

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The Passing of a Patriarch

Ok. I’m going to try to get through this without crying but I’m a Campbell and we cry at Oreo commercials so, ya’ know… This is not my first rodeo…

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You’re Four.

Happy Birthday, My Sweet Boy. Today you would turn four! I can't even wrap my brain around what that would look like. My sometimes empty arms ache to hold you…

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{When} Octobers are Hard

Fall is my favorite season. I know that's super original. Me, like pretty much every other Starbuck's-loving, boot and sweater-wearing, mini-driving basic momma out there. It's always been my favorite.…

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