Today, is the 1st blank page…

Oh, crap. Here we go. I made a blog. How many other people do you think are starting out 2013 in this exact same way? I’m guessing about half a million, at least. Right? So I’m a statistic and I’m ok with that. Here’s why I’m writing…

  1. I looked back at all my facebook posts and wished that I had a way to save all the great, fun, and important things that happened to me this year. You know, like a diary. Remember those? Since no one does that anymore, I chose a blog.
  2. Sometimes, I do cool stuff. I make a good recipe, do a fun craft, have a great story to tell about my loving and hilarious husband, or my crazy funny kids. So everyone should know about these things.
  3. It’s a challenge, and I want to win. I have some other big goals this year too, and I’ll keep you posted on those as I go.

I’ve been contemplating this for a while now, and kind of even started one last year it lasted a whole day and then I couldn’t remember how to get to it again. Let’s hope it goes better this time.  Here’s the quote that pushed me over the edge this time around.

Tomorrow I’ll explain my title. Unless something else fantastic happens around here.

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