Praying for a Future Spouse

I was not the "pretty girl" growing up. Which means that boys were not really into me. I was the sort of funny, sort of annoying side-kick that all the…

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This Blog Thing…

So, I have this blog. You've probably read it a time or two (hopefully more), and bonus points if you've shared it and double bonus points if you aren't related…

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Stop the Spinning: Simplify

My word this year is - simplify. Isn't it great? To me it sounds refreshing and clean, and freeing; like that time you washed, dried, folded, and put away all…

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Bring the Joy

After every storm, there comes a rainbow. :)  Thank you Lord for this promise of hope. October 27, 2015 was a tough day. If you read my blog on that…

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