Imma Fight Him

When pain and anger run so deep our human reactions are sometimes violent. Good news…we get to choose how we put those feelings into action – it doesn’t have to…

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I Sang A Song – Again

I sang a song – again.I sang a silly song today, it went a little something like this…”chicky-chicken nuggets, cheesy-cheese cubes. Peas and car-rots, peas and car-rots, yum yum yum…

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His 2nd Birthday

His 2ndBirthday.Today he would be two.  My sweet boy. He should be toddling around the house, tormenting his big sisters, cuddling his baby brother. Making us laugh, because of course…

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He loves me, He loves me not…

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (written 5/24/16)Remember playing the game when you were a child? Reciting the phrase “he loves me, he loves me not” as I plucked…

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My Mom Died…My Mom

(written 2/20/16)My mom died. She’s gone. Forever. (Well, earthly forever). I keep saying it over and over in my head, like I need a reminder that it really happened. I’m…

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Bring the Joy

After every storm, there comes a rainbow. :)  Thank you Lord for this promise of hope. October 27, 2015 was a tough day. If you read my blog on that…

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